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Thought For The Day :

The fire of sorrow and joy burns when the fuel of vasanas (tendencies) are fed in to the furnace of the mind. Take away the fuel and the fire dies out. Take away the vasanas, the force of impulses, promptings and urges and you become your own master. This is done in Yoga by various physiological exercises. But Bhakthi (the path of Devotion) is the easier means for this end. Namasmarana (chanting of Gods name) is enough: it is said that the name Sitarama sufficed in the Tretha yuga; the name Radheshama sufficed in the Dwapara yuga; and now in the Kali yuga, all names have that capacity.

Industry Insight : non-ferrous metals

India ought to be known as the Great Grand Father of the World Metallurgical Industry. However, due to unfortunate historical circumstances, many Indians themselves remain unaware of this fact. The art of Bronze Casting had been practised in India for several centuries before the Modern World discovered “Metallurgy.” Copper and Bronze were perhaps the earliest Non-Ferrous Metals which Man shaped into tools.

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Industry Insight : iron and steel

During the Classical Age, India also perfected the Art of Iron Making. The famous Iron Pillar of the late 4th and early 5th centuries AD, which is seven metres high and weighs over six tonnes, now stands serene near Qutab Minar, Delhi, having amazingly withstood the ravages of time and clime, remaining rust-free for over 1,500 years.

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Industry Insight : ferro alloys

The Indian Steel Scenario seems to be bottoming out and consequently the Ferro Alloy Production and Industry should hopeully have a better year ahead. Despite increase in Steel Production, the Ferro Alloy Industry has not got the support it requires from the government in order to make their prices competitive in the International Market, hence most producers have to rely on local supplies to Steel Producers which make life difficult for the producers of Ferro Alloys, mainly due to oversupply and stiff competition from other domestic producers who are keen to operate at low margins in order to keep their Industry alive.

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Industry Insight : minerals and mining

Indian Mining was also at its peak in the early ages. "Metallurgists" had perfected the complex process of extracting Zinc from its ores by the Downward Distillation method that required exceptional care in the type of furnance, retorts and a reducing atmosphere as well as temperature management, as evidenced by the archaeological finds at Zawar in Rajasthan as early as the 4th century BC. It may be noted that it was only in the 18th century AD that the same process was re-adopted in Britain, and patented too! In the Classical Age of India, the Metallurgy of Copper also assumed macro-dimensions.

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Industry Insight : precious metals

Indian Precious Metals demand has always been very active especially Gold and Silver as Indian's are known worldwide for their love for Gold, be it simply Bars or Ornaments or Coins. This has been the case ever since Gold was first discovered or introduced into India. Kings & Emperors have been known to stock Gold and the Nizam of Hyderabad's treasure most of which was "taken & auctioned" would have in todays terms been able to wipe out the entire external debt of our country had it all still been in India.

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Industry Insight : recycling

Recycling in India has not gained much appreciation nor importance as it deserves. Every thing Recyclable in India is Recycled over and over again. This has been happening since centuries even though the World has become aware of the importance of Recycling in helping preserve our Natural resources only since the last few decades. However Recycling has not gained the respectability nor Small-Scale Industry status, nor proper Government support as they fail to realise that considerable Global Recycling requirements and the Money involved therein and the fact that labour in India is cheaper.

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Industry Insight : commodities

India produces a wide variety of commodities of International quality and competitive prices at international levels. From exotic Basmati rice with its rich aroma and divine taste to quality white and parboiled rice in its rich variety and affordability, high quality sesame seeds, sugar, pulses, wheat, cotton & spices, India is today producing more than it consumes for some of the commodities. Many commodities are exported not only to neighbouring countries but as far as Africa, Middle East, Europe and USA.

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